I've always been a tree hugger. So, when I began regular meditation in 2015, I was instructed to create a quiet place to practice. Among the many suggestions was placing a bonsai tree on a table or mantle. Sure, I remember those tiny trees from the Karate Kid movies, but I had really no idea what a bonsai tree was.
After a few google searches, some online photos and cursory research, I was hooked. Trees of all kinds in small, portable pots, made to look miniature, now that's my kind of tree hugging! I haven't looked back since.
So, what's the purpose of this site? I want to share my passion of bonsai with others. I'm constantly getting questions and inquires about bonsai. I know many people are just like me, essentially unaware of what bonsai is, and how it works. Now, to be clear, I'm no bonsai master. Actually, I'm quite the opposite. But I love it none-the-less. Despite my novice bonsai skills, I still think I have plenty to share and I know we'll have some fun along the way!
I hope you'll leave a comment below or follow us on Instagram. Until next time, Peace Love Bonsai!